Orca Whale


Act Now

Advance a Green Amendment in Washington

Lobby Day for WA Green Amendment Feb 6th

There has been heard loud and clear a request for a lobby day to promote the Green Amendment in Washington and a group of folks have gotten together to offer it to you. Thursday February 6, 2025 is Environmental Lobby Day. Join others in Olympia to uplift and protect future generations by meeting with our legislators! While we know that the advocacy of The Green Amendment doesn’t happen overnight, the result of no resolution this year is unfortunate. We are encouraged however, that many new organizations (14) have signed on in support of the Green Amendment including Climate Action Families, PSARA, Adopt a Stream Foundation and Third Act WA. Further, Earthjustice WA has signed on in a lobbying capacity, and many individuals have come forward as well, expressing interest in working on this issue.

If you are interested in meeting in person in Olympia for the Thursday event, please email dakipnis@gmail.com

Representative Lekanoff continues to be in strong support of a Green Amendment and is willing to meet with folks in person to discuss it. While in Olympia let her know that a WA Green Amendment is essential plus we can meet with additional Legislators to inform them of its benefits.


Where We Are & Why We Are Here – the WA Green Amendment Online Update & Discussion

December 4, noon pacific.

Register to join at: https://bit.ly/WAGAUpdate 

Join with leaders from the Washington Green Amendment Coalition and Green Amendments For The Generations to get an update on work advancing in support of a Green Amendment in Washington.  Learn about language adaptation and legislative outreach, where things stand with other national campaigns and how Green Amendments have benefitted communities in the 3 states that have them. This will be an excellent opportunity to have your questions answered and to have input into Washington State’s strategy.


Write an Opinion Piece

Write an opinion piece to your local paper expressing the benefits of  the Washington Green Amendment.
Help us spread the word about the Washington Green Amendment! Let your community members know what a Green Amendment is and how it can help your community and environment.

Sharing information in opinion pieces over the course of the year allows us to inform and engage a growing circle of Washingtonians so that they can determine their perspective on whether clean water and air, a stable climate, environmental justice, and healthy environments deserve the highest constitutional protection given to other human, civil and political rights such as free speech and freedom of religion.

Join the Green Amendment Online Action Platform for Hot News & Engagement

The Green Amendments Online Action Platform is the first place we post hot news.

It is also an online forum where you can learn what is happening in other states nationwide, to ask your questions and get quick answers from the experts, and to share your own good ideas with others.

If you haven’t yet,  sign up for the online Green Amendment Action Platform.

As soon as we have news about hearings, comment opportunities or other hot developments this is where we will post them first.  You can sign up for the Action Platform here.

Sign On In Support

We need your support! Help us demonstrate support for a Washington Green Amendment.

  • If you are an individual, then please sign our petition; and be sure to share it with your family and friends. Sign Our Petition Now.
  • If you represent an organization, you can sign in support at this link, and have your organization listed on the organization support page of this website, along with a hotline to your organization’s website.

Signing on will not only join your voice with others in Washington State, but we will also add you to our list to receive information when the time for engagement arises.

Become a Green Amendment Ambassador

Help others understand the importance and values of having a Washington Green Amendment by becoming a Green Amendment Ambassador.

  • Speak to your church or community group;
  • Share the message through door hangers;
  • Invite your local business to sign on in support;
  • Spread the word online via social media.

There are many ways to engage as an ambassador and to educate others about the values of a Washington Green Amendment.

Learn more about the options and sign up here: I’m interested in being a Green Amendment Ambassador.

Encourage Others

Encourage others to sign the petition!
Help to inform and engage others in the Washington Green Amendment movement.  It can take time for folks to pay attention, so taking action throughout the year will ensure growing awareness and support.  Simple things you can do including sharing the petition link on social media, or print a copy of the petition and take it with you to work, coffee shops, social gatherings or events, and ask others to sign the petition too. Once you have a completed sheet, be sure to mail or scan and email copies to GAFTG@forthegenerations.org. You can print a copy here.

Mail paper petitions to
Green Amendments For The Generations
925 Canal Street 7th Floor, Suite 3701
Bristol, PA 19007

Donate to support a Green Amendment

Help Us Secure Green Amendment Protections in Washington & Nationwide

Your donation today will help us do the work, provide the expertise, inspire supporters and take on the challengers so that every person and community in Washington and nationwide can have a true RIGHT, that is enforceable, to a clean, safe & healthy environment.